The New York Times recently that confidential grinding logs and other records of several meat processing plants examined and interviewed staff in the sector. These studies have shown that the ingredients that have been sold in ground beef by typical food processing companies and fast food restaurants and finally sold to consumers.
In particular, the study of the formation of ground beef hamburgers that were identified included E. coli and were the focusThe subject of an October 2007 recall of more than £ 844,000 of beef by large companies in the food industry, Cargill. Tragically, the patties contaminated with a woman brought up in Minnesota to solidify from the side, after eating a contaminated cake.
The investigation revealed the contaminated ground beef burger on the following ingredients together:
- The fresh fat - Approximately 35% of minced meat. Fresh fat is the fatty acid from the margins of whole pieces of beef cattle. This meat is usually 50%Fat and 50% meat.
- Fresh Lean - Approximately 35% meat burgers. The meat came from dairy ingredients from old cows and bulls, which were generally not strong enough, young enough, or at least worthy to be fattened in the pasture. Trimmings are parties to several Beef and fat that is removed from the bones, and in the vicinity of the skins and other ends, and is usually extracted using advanced meat recovery methods. Trimmings are not pieces of meat fairly primitive.
- Frozen Lean -Approximately 20% of the ground beef. These trimmings came from grass fed cattle. Grass fed cattle is typically leaner than corn fed cattle.
- Lean Finely Textured Beef - Approximately 10% of the beef. These trimmings were run through a high speed centrifuge to remove fat from the meat and treated with ammonia to kill any bacteria and pathogens.
The four ingredients above were sourced from meat processing plants in the following locations:
- Omaha, Nebraska
- San Angelo, Texas
- Uruguay
- Dakota, Dunes, South Dakota
As seen, Cargill, the company that sold the contaminated hamburger meat, sourced the meat and trimmings for their ground beef from multiple suppliers at multiple worldwide locations. This, along with the meat and trimming parts themselves, helps contribute to the difficulty in producing ground beef that is free of food borne pathogens like E. Coli or salmonella.
How can you buy and eat healthier and pathogen free ground beef? One solution; buy whole, primal cuts of meat and grind the meat at home using a meat grinder.